Research Tracks

Authors are requested to send their original unpublished papers based on research work/field of experience in the categories listed below: However, any other topic relevant to the track of the conference are also welcome.

  • Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics
  • Simulation of Thermal Systems
  • HVAC & R
  • Thermal Power Plants
  • Automobile & I C Engine
  • Fuell cell Technology
  • CFD of Thermal Systems
  • Fluid flow
  • Artiļ¬cial Intelligence
  • Automation Tools & Technologies
  • Control and Mechatronic Systems
  • Machine Automation Technology
  • Robotics and Applications
  • Path planning
  • Optimization techniques
  • Applications/Case Studies
  • Conventional Machining
  • Un Conventional Machining
  • Micro and Nano Manufacturing
  • Automation and Advances in Manufacturing
  • Composite Materials, Powder Metallurgy
  • Nano Materials Processing
  • Materials Characterization
  • Iron and Steel Manufacturing
  • FMS, Additive Manufacturing
  • Rapid Prototyping, CIM
  • Tribology
  • Noise, Vibration and Harness
  • Fracture and Failures
  • Simulation and Modelling
  • Composite Structures
  • Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
  • AI & ML Application in Design
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Project Management
  • Reliability and Maintenance
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • Inventory & Quality Management
  • Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Human factor engineering
  • Operations research
  • Decision making and optimization
  • Water Reuse and Management
  • Building Management Systems
  • Smart Buildings
  • Smart Transportation Systems
  • Community heating/cooling systems
  • Resource & Energy Management
  • Solar rooftop PV and Thermal Energy
  • E-waste and waste management
  • Pollution management and control